Xchange VIP - 18+ chat 1.1
The Xchange is a virtual nightclub on your iPhone or iPod Touch.With Xchange VIP, you get the same features as the free version (theXchange), PLUS:VIP FEATURES* Password lock* Show up first in listings* Earn coins 10x faster* Get 10x more maximum coinsREGULAR XCHANGE ......
FEATURES* Choose whether you prefer to chat with women, men, or either.* Block messages from people you don't to chat with.* Earn and spend virtual coins to buy drinks and send photo messages.* Works with both iPhone and iPod Touch.HOUSE RULES* Do not post any nude or offensive photos.* Harassing, threatening, or hateful language will absolutely not be tolerated.* Club management reserves the right to permanently ban users who violate these rules or present a nuisance to others.